Catatan::: Sebelum membaca artikel ini, maafkanlah saya kalau
ada perubahan atau apa pun itu yang berkaitan dengan grammar, tenses, dan
teman-temannya dan tidak sesuai dengan grammatical structure yang berlaku, atau
malah membuat adaptasi tulisan ini tidak lebih baik dari yang aslinya. Nobody's perfect rite??? *alesan* Thanks
a lot. :D
For those who feels less preparation, even info (maybe) in facing the examination, (maybe) these brief tips will help all of you all. Tengs. :))
There is no short cut to success,
this is the first thing you should remember. For this reason you have to study
well first of all. But the preparations are different for different types of
exams. Some competitive exams need long term preparation while your school
level exams may need preparation of one or two weeks.
The 1st tip : Never fear
or hate exam and be confident.
Some students study well but still
may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get distracted and
won't be able to score marks. So leave all your fears and free your mind before
starting the study. You have to be confident and it is the most essential power
you should have for attaining victory.