Melva Sari Simangunsong

Dear people, this blog is not truly and merely about me n my life only. I am a random-post-writer. So I post everything in my mind.The thing that I wrote is not all about me, n not all about you. Thanks. :)

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

Back to December

Back To December

By Taylor Swift

I'm so glad you made time to see me.
How's life? Tell me how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while.
You've been good, busier than ever,
We small talk, work and the weather,
Your guard is up and I know why.
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind.
You gave me roses and I left them there to die.

So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying, "I'm sorry for that night,"
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you.
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine.
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right.
I go back to December all the time.

These days I haven't been sleeping,
Staying up, playing back myself leavin'.
When your birthday passed and I didn't call.
And I think about summer, all the beautiful times,
I watched you laughing from the passenger side.
Realized that I loved you in the fall.

And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was "Goodbye".

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying, "I'm sorry for that night."
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you,
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine.
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time.

I miss your tanned skin, your sweet smile,
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night –
The first time you ever saw me cry.

Maybe this is wishful thinking,
Probably mindless dreaming,
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right.

I'd go back in time and change it but I can't.
So if the chain is on your door I understand.

But this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying, "I'm sorry for that night."
And I go back to December...
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you,
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine.
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right.
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind

I go back to December all the time.
All the time.

Behind the Lyric
Back to December itu nyeritain tentang apa sih?

Back to December ini ceritanya tentang seorang perempuan yang lagi disukain sama cowo. Tapi pas waktu itu (December), si perempuan nolak cinta si cowok. Then, as the time goes by, alias seiring berjalannya sang waktu, si perempuan tadi mulai sayang sama itu cowo. But next, sayangnya. L si cowo udah nggak punya perasaan yang sama kaya’ dulu. Si perempuan tadi ngarep kalo waktu bisa diulang, balik ke masa di mana si cowo tadi suka sama dia n bisa bersatu sama tuh cowo. Dia sadar, kalo itu udah terlambat.  Dia cuma bisa berharap kalau si cowo bisa balik sayang sama dia.

You know how does it feel? Sakit, man! Sakit! Yah, begitulah saat yang tinggal cuma penyesalan. Beruntunglah Anda yang punya kesempatan kedua. Buat yang gapunya, maka nyanyikan saja lagu Tangga, “andai saja, aku masih punya kesempatan kedua.” Duh, #mulaingaur… *tepuk jidat*

Back to the song,,,

Oiya, tentang video klipnya sendiri, kesannya nggak langsung nyampein isi tuh lagu. Taoi tetep aja masbro n mbaksist, ini recommended banget buat didengerin. Si Taylor kalo lagi nyanyi… uuuh, hulala… Cetar deh. Emosinya itu lho!!! Pas bebangetan. Yang galau wajib denger nih lagu! #eh Nah, di video klip ini… yah seperti biasa si Tay masih jadi pemeran utamanya, guys. Settingnya dia di kamar, lagi galau gitu. Kesepian, nulis in lagu. Trus ada salju-saljunya lho. Ini ngegambarin penyesalan, dan kesedihan yang mendalam, kea musim dingin ya kali. (hehhew) Then, ada si cowo, dia jalan aja, nggak datang kembali buat si perempuan itu. Video ini ngegambarin mereka gabisa balik ke waktu yang si perempuan harapin. So sad, guys. :’(

Another info:
Katanya sih, ni lagu diciptain Tay sebagai bentuk permintaan maafnya untuk sang mantan pacar. Yuuups, si Taylor Lautner. Eniweeei, swiefties (nama fans ny Taylor Swift) berpendapat bahwa duo Taylor ini serasi.

Tay (Swift) minta maaf sama Tay (Lautner) karena T. Swift ngerasa pas pacaran, dia gabisa banyak ngeluangin waktunya buat Lautner. *pukpuk*

“So this is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night. I’d go back to December turn around and make it alright. I’d go back to December all the time”

Baiklah, sekian dari saya dan terimakasih. :)